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Fit for Germany - Surviving German Business Culture
60 Minuten | € 149,00 inkl. MwSt. | Sprachen: DE & EN
Every culture has its own particular traditions and customs. Germans take business very seriously, are hard-working, value their privacy and tend to keep their office doors closed. Want to understand business life in Germany and learn basic facts about society and culture? Knowing the rules can help you navigate through awkwardness. You will learn about communication styles in German business life and etiquette rules in professional and everyday life (shopping, traveling, leisure time). You clarify your questions and gain security.
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This training is designed for foreign executives and employees, accompanying spouses, students or people who regularly travel to Germany and want to learn basic facts about German society and understand everyday life in Germany.
- Videocall with Zoom
- Live-Consulting with Gabriela Meyer, Founder Modern Life Seminars, Trainer and author
- You book 60 minutes or more, depending on how high your need for advice is
- You will gain insights into German culture, understand communication patterns, learn basic facts about German society, get interesting tipps around manners and business culture in Germany
- You can ask questions or talk about problems you might have encountered in German Society
- You get new perspectives, solutions and sophisticated support for your questions
- You get practical tipps for how to deal with situations